Divorce Lawyers in Greensboro, NC

Providing Valuable Legal Guidance to Clients Going Through Difficult Divorces

The decision to come to a dissolution of marriage never comes easily and must not be taken lightly. In addition to being a difficult process of healing the heart, divorce is also a complicated legal process that must be rigidly followed.

Divorce cases are often among the most difficult life chapters that any person is ever asked to go through. While some divorces can be amicable and uncontested, others can become quite contentious, especially when there are fights over child custody, child support, or alimony (also known as spousal maintenance or spousal support).

It’s important to remember that you don’t need to go through your divorce case alone. Legal help is available from experienced divorce attorneys in North Carolina. Kreider Attorneys at Law has extensive experience helping our clients through the legal complexities of contested and uncontested divorce proceedings. 

If you’re going through a divorce in North Carolina, you deserve legal representation that caters to your needs and goals throughout the divorce process. As your legal representatives, our divorce attorneys stay by your side throughout the whole process until your divorce has concluded and been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. If you wish to discuss your divorce case, or if you merely have questions about divorce, please contact our law firm to schedule your initial consultation with our legal team. We look forward to speaking with you.

Do You Need to Prove Grounds for Divorce in North Carolina?

North Carolina is a no-fault divorce state, meaning that neither you nor your spouse are required to list grounds for divorce in order to file. That said, there are two requirements that must be met in order to file for divorce in North Carolina. Prior to filing for divorce, you must live separately in two different households for at least 12 months and one day. You do not need to file for a legal separation to begin this one year. Additionally, at least one spouse must intend to end the marital union. The spouses don’t need to be in agreement on the terms of divorce.

North Carolina refers to divorce as an absolute divorce, requiring neither spouse to prove anyone to be at fault for the end of the marriage. If you have any questions or concerns about filing for divorce in North Carolina, please contact our highly skilled legal staff to discuss your case in more detail today.

What Are the Differences Between Contested and Uncontested Divorces?

If you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse agree to a divorce and have no major conflicts on the terms of the divorce, you may be able to file for an uncontested divorce. Uncontested divorces are typically faster, cheaper, and less emotionally stressful than contested divorces. Another term for an uncontested divorce might be an amicable divorce. 

To meet the requirements for an uncontested divorce, both parties must still maintain separate living situations for at least one year, and at least one of the parties must want the divorce. Additionally, there can be no issues with legal matters such as child custody, visitation rights, parenting time, child support, or alimony.

A contested divorce, on the other hand, is a much more difficult legal matter. In contested divorces, one or both parties cannot agree on the terms of the divorce. If even one of the terms of the divorce is a point of conflict, then your divorce may be a contested one. Contested divorces tend to be more expensive and emotionally draining, at least in part because they go on longer and require more negotiations and the potential for fighting between the two spouses. If possible, it is wise to avoid a contested divorce. However, as ideal as an uncontested divorce may be, not everyone has it so lucky.

An uncontested divorce can quickly devolve into a contested divorce and vice versa. All that needs to happen for an uncontested divorce to become contested, as if there is suddenly a new disagreement on any of the terms of the divorce. If an uncontested divorce becomes contested, it will likely be necessary for both parties to retain individual legal counsel to assist them through the divorce proceedings.

What is a High-Profile Divorce?

A high-profile divorce is any divorce between individuals with a spotlight on them either through celebrity, community presence, or job status. In a high-profile divorce, one or both parties may be concerned about how the divorce reflects upon their status and whether there may be repercussions either in a small community, workplace, or in the media. In a contentious, high-profile divorce, it is common for one of the spouses to attract the spotlight onto them and make an effort to gain some measure of control in the divorce proceedings. Whether your divorce is amicable or contentious, if it is a high-profile divorce, you are highly recommended to preteen individual legal counsel.

Kreider Attorneys at Law has a unique legal perspective in divorce cases, thanks to attorney Jonathan G. Kreider’s time as a District Court judge. This unique experience allows our legal team to come to the proceedings of divorce cases with an understanding of how they are presented both in and out of the courtroom.

To discuss your high-profile divorce, we encourage you to get in touch with our law firm for a case review today.

What is Mediation and is it Right for Your Divorce Case?

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Many people prefer mediation over civil litigation, if at all possible. In mediation, a neutral third party (the mediator) sits in on divorce negotiations between the two spouses. This mediator is either a licensed mediator, a former judge, or a divorce attorney themselves. The goal of the mediator is to assist the divorcing couple in the hopes of helping them find common ground in difficult negotiations. Mediation is often cheaper than litigation, and it allows both parties the chance to be heard. In mediation, it is sometimes recommended for both parties to retain legal representation throughout the mediation process in order to help remind them of their rights and responsibilities. Kreider Attorneys at Law has experience helping clients with mediation and would be proud to lend legal assistance to you during this process.

Another alternative dispute resolution measure to consider is arbitration. Like mediation, arbitration has a neutral third party (the arbitrator) review the negotiations and conflicts between the divorcing parties. Unlike mediation, where the two parties would be allowed to render their own decisions, arbitration and trust the decision-making to the arbitrator.

What is Legal Separation?

If you and your spouse are considering divorce but think that there is a chance that your marriage could be saved, you may wish to consider filing for a legal separation. With legal separation, there is still a chance of reconciliation, which would not be possible if you filed for divorce. Legal separation can be a complex process, one that should also not be taken lightly. 

If you are considering a legal separation from your spouse, it is advisable that you seek the help of a divorce lawyer. We would be proud to lend you legal guidance throughout the legal separation process.

Schedule an In-Depth Case Evaluation with Experienced Divorce Attorneys Today

A divorce can be an especially hard thing to go through, especially if you and your ex have any children. There are many complex legal issues to consider throughout the divorce proceedings, including child support payments, child custody arrangements, visitation rights, the equitable distribution of assets, and alimony payments. It is natural to feel overwhelmed and emotionally devastated during a divorce case. But you don’t need to go through this ordeal alone. Consider the benefits of hiring a North Carolina divorce attorney to represent your legal rights and needs throughout the divorce proceedings.

Kreider Attorneys at Law has extensive legal experience helping clients through the complexities of divorce cases in North Carolina. Our Greensboro law firm is highly reputable, and our deep knowledge of family law is unique and impressive. As your family law attorneys, we would be proud to help you through your divorce case, whether it is amicable or contentious.

To discuss your divorce matters in more detail, please contact our law firm to schedule a consultation today. You may contact us at 336-770-2017.